Your Comments

"Totnes needs to maintain and develop a marine centre for the future as it is a small town with a large riverside frontage. For its identity as a vibrant and thriving town it needs more than coffee shops and houses"
"This wharf has important historical context for Totnes. The wharf, hard and surrounding land has been in constant for shipping and marine trades since Roman times and must not be obliterated but continued. Our Neighborhood Plan established for this site the requirement to maintain the boatyard and ancillary employment land. Nothing can justify its removal or depletion. "
"This is an opportunity to take advantage of the great location. Don't waste it. I strongly support the need for another hotel in Totnes. The town is poorly served by a lack of hotel rooms."
"Thank you for an excellent and hopefully devastating analysis of the TQ9/ACORN proposals"
"Turning Baltic Wharf into yet another residential development would be a terrible waste of opportunity to provide and support the marine industry in South Devon, and the local jobs it could provide. The Centre of Marine Skills is a constructive and infinitely more valuable to the community, and I support it wholeheartedly."
"It is vital to maintain the working boat yard for the town"
"It would be a very sad day to see Baltic wharf Boatyard slowly disappear into houses. I grew up in the area in Dartmouth and twice a month the large red timber ship would pass through Dartmouth enroute to Baltic Wharf, Baltic wharf is part of our heritage, don't let's lose it."
"The boatyard at Baltic Wharf is an essential asset for Totnes. The river is navigable to Totnes and water sports are very popular in the UK"
"Job opportunities not more houses "
"This should remain a space for commerce marine based enterprise NOT a housing development "
"Excellent concept."
"Houses can be built elsewhere, it is important to protect employment opportunities in Totnes."
"Residential use on this site is wholly inapproptlriate - it is the only employment site in Totnes with direct access to the river - as has been proved houses can be built anywhere."
"I first read about the proposal for the Baltic Wharf boatyard to become a Marine Centre of Excellence in the Totnes Times. I was immediately struck by how innovative and forward thinking the proposal is. I live in a Baltic Wharf phase 1 house and notice that there is a fairly high percentage of occupants in Baltic Wharf who are retired. It is refreshing to envisage work opportunities being created in ground-breaking technology in a town of green credentials rather than more houses priced mostly in the bracket of those who have already made sufficient money to afford them. "
"I live in Bristol which once considered filling in the docks for car parking. Thankfully that never happened & the docks have become a major leisure & tourism asset making Bristol a more attractive place to live & visit.

Building houses on Baltic Wharf would generate a larger one off profit for the current land owner & developers but would squander Baltic Wharf's potential to be a long term asset to Totnes. Who would benefit from a decision to build houses on most of Baltic Wharf? Not Totnes as a whole."
"It will spoil the place find some where else to build houses that land should be green belt not to be built on "
"I feel that Totnes giving away such an important site to a passive activity such as housing is crazy, it is extremely unlikely to benefit local people and will not only irreversibly destroy natural beauty, character and interest but would do so in exchange for imported residents.

The site reminds me of the Plymouth Yacht Havens \u201cTurnchapel Wharf\u201d on the Cattewater in Plymouth. There they could not develop housing by virtue of the planning grant; the net result in a matter of a few years is a thriving international marine park. Fantastic.

Baltic Wharf MUST be developed in such a manner that the commercial needs of the developer are fairly but firmly compromised for the benefit of the people of Totnes. I know it sounds trite but, yes, the view from the other side of the water must always represent interest and activity. Not someones holiday home.

Knowing the spirit of Totnes I would be amazed, and very surprised, if the idea of a Centre of Marine Skills did not win the day.

I urge you to look at Plymouth's Turnchapel Wharf. Introductions can be made if you wish."
"As a TBA member, I whole heartedly support this idea. "
"There is enough housing development in the area already. The housing market is a bubble that will burst, leaving many people in debt. A working boatyard and associated industries are a huge asset in terms of employment and economic activity. They have the effect of making the area 'real', an actual centre of human activity and life. The infrastructure is there, let's not waste it."
"The Acorn intention to build 175 houses would spell the demise of the Baltic Wharf Boat yard. Why? Firstly noise: the slapping of running rigging on masts, when the boats are laid up, is not compatible with nearby residential housing. Secondly, for the boatyard to be viable, the associated boatyard facilities - such as engine repairs, shipwright services, rigging specialists, navigation expertise, ships chandlers stores, sailmaking - all these need to have space to operate: without them, the boatyard would not survive.

The previous Baltic Wharf development did not provide the \"
"As a person for over 40 yrs in marine activities & Principal of a RYA offshore Sailing & Powerboat Rib School. This towns history stared on the river I remember when I first came to live here in Totnes in Mid 60s Baltic ships dropping off timber in the old Reeves yards. Being prosperity to Totnes. We need to keep this wharf venture alive for our young towns person's & establish a Superb Marine Service Training School, of Excellence. I have seen growth over the pasted 30 years of many housing projects around & about. In my opinion we do not need retirement exspencive property's on the waterfront. We DO need to retain our young person's in the town offering apprentiships at the proposed alternative Centre of Marine Skills & Excellence. Baltic wharf is the ideal location .Which I full support. D F Marment MM MRIN Ret"
"We don't need any more unnecessary, overpriced, poor quality, unsustainable housing. The community of Totnes needs a sustainable economic and social plan to enrich the area and provide good quality jobs and livelihoods, particularly for our young people. It does not need expensive second home holiday lets. "
"Totnes needs to invest in the thing that makes it special. Just more houses for second homes???? NO. Invest in something enduring, something that actually gives back to a community, something that utilises the river that spawned the town originally. Cherish skill, nurture talent for the future and Keep Baltic wharf for everyone. Who needs another private enclave of houses? Where is the industry to support more people? A centre of marine skills and excellence would be a wonderful opportunity for our town."
"As a marine scientist I support the creation of jobs in this growing sector and the benefit they would bring to the local area."
"My view is that totnes needs to retain the boat yard for boat users, and to create jobs for the local economy. We don't need anymore houses in totnes and the boat yard is irreplaceable. I support a centre of marine excellence as this is good for totnes, good for the local population, and there are other sites that are much for suitable for housing. In addition, totnes has a long association with the river and the sea and this should be retained by supporting industry in this sector "
"I do not support any further housing development at Baltic , the current boat yard is more of an asset to Totnes , I am also a boat owner so I am totally opposed to any further development "
"There are plenty of new housing developmments in Totnes, the retirement homes on the old supemarket site right in the centre being but one of too many. Time for something with imagination and flair. Too many uk towns and now ruined by overdevelopment. Towns need MORE than housing to live and breath."
"I would like to actively support any proposal that secures the site for the benefit of the town and employment connected to the river/marine skills. I do not believe that the provision of housing for the wealthy on this site will benefit the people or the town of Totnes in any way and I will oppose any attempt to make this happen."
"It is essential that the boatyard retains sufficient size to support related businesses. Without this critical mass the businesses will be forced to move to where there are more boats and potential customers.
There is no mention of tidal power generation. This is likely to be an important, reliable and predictable energy source in the future and the south west has several suitable headlands that could be used. This will require shoreside facilities for support vessels."
"I strongly believe that more expensive housing on Baltic Wharf is not in the best interest of Totnes. The boat yard is a thriving business and to put it in jeopardy makes no sense at all. To make this site into a Centre for Marine Excellence is much more in line with our Joint Local Plan and will create well paid jobs locally.
"I strongly believe that more expensive housing on Baltic Wharf is not in the best interest of Totnes. The boat yard is a thriving business and to put it in jeopardy makes no sense at all. To make this site into a Centre for Marine Excellence is much more in line with our Joint Local Plan and will create well paid jobs locally.
"So many towns become anodyne with the cramming in of indifferent houses, often not aimed at those who need them most. Totnes should do everything to retain its character and retention of the boatyard would not only continue its appeal but provide and be a base for the further development of marine skills and exciting new technologies. The Totnes boatyard is at the extent of navigation of larger boats on the Dart and therefore essential for the provision of services to local and visiting boat owners who rely on the current skills and safe storage. Boats need a large area for their maintenance and collection/delivery and the boatyard provides employment and apprenticeship for what should be a jewel in the crown for Totnes. Tourism provides essential income for the town and the initial view of Totnes from the Dartmouth/Totnes ferry which includes the boatyard is a great attraction. The Totnes boatyard should have an exciting future with its traditional and modern skills and its retention should be a priority from so many aspects. There is insufficient space or access for the proposed dense housing development which would squash the boatyard into a corner and prevent the opportunity for further development including for the benefit of Totnes."
"Benefits for Totnes, not company profits and rich home owners"
"The proposals are inappropriate for this location. They take no account of Totnes and area requirements. I support the Centre of Marine Skills ideas. I especially would like a hotel. There is a enormous need for more hotel beds in Totnes."
"We don't need more houses on the river front in the boatyard space - it is far more important to keep the boatyard for employment, boat maintenance, and ancillary trades "
"I believe we need more industry here and less housing. Somehow need to make it so people who work here can live here. Not just random people who came down here since the pandemic. "
"We need to retain those skills and maybe open up the boat yard to bring in, jobs and money "
"As a regular user of the Boatyard over the past 20 years, loss of it would seriously hurt the area from the point of view of river users and amenity. Totnes has already been over expanded in terms of housing."
"Dart Sails and Covers already support existing boat owners using Baltic Wharf with repairs as well as new sails and covers, but the loss of boat yard capacity will certainly reduce the opportunities to ourselves as well as many other marine related businesses in the area"
"I would be saddened to see the yard turned into a housing development and I hope any planning application from TQ9 Acorn is soundly rejected. I do have some concerns over an increase in commercial shipping (as a recreational rower and sailor on the Dart) but I'm sure these can be addressed through dialog with existing river users."
"This is a unique opportunity to create something that would bring real value to Totnes and particularly the younger people, who live there. While building homes is also important, the ones proposed will, no doubt, have a large proportion of second home owners and be out of reach, financially, for the residents of Totnes. Perhaps for once, jobs and facilities for local residents might actually take precedent. "
"The boatyard, the jobs it supports and the preservation of a working waterfront are essential parts of the character of Totnes and its long maritime history. Use of this waterfront for housing would be an enormous lost opportunity and a blight on the landscape. Hundreds of yachtsmen and marine industry individuals rely on this yard.
Housing can be built almost anywhere, but a boatyard NEEDS access to the waterfront. This waterfront site should be preserved for its current use and housing sited elsewhere. Putting housing on the waterfront may increase the profits of its developer but at huge cost to the town and its community. The boatyard and the marine culture must be preserved."
"Expensive holiday homes are the last thing Totnes needs on this site that could be further developed to benefit far more people with new and traditional marine skills and develop the site to give access for people to snjoy the River and the wildlife along its banks."
"Dismantling/recycling and disposal of epoxy and glass fibre boats in an environmentally safe way is a much needed facility locally"
"Totnes just does not need yet more housing. This part of Totnes is an essential historic area, that played a huge part in the trade and activites would have brought wealth and growth to the town. The boatyard brings employment, diversity and soul to the Town."
"I fully support the idea to develop the site for marine industry "
"A town like Totnes needs a mixed neighborhood not just houses and coffee shops. It also was built on shipping and should celebrate its history- which will also be a draw for visitors "
"Totnes has a long history as a port and centre of boat building. This proposal should be encouraged because it will provide jobs and benefit the town in many ways economic, educationally & culturally.
This thriving marine environment will be a huge benefit to the town. "
"The loss of a large proportion of the existing boatyard to the proposed housing project would have a deleterious effect on the local recreational facilities provided by Baltic Wharf Boatyard. "
"Totnes needs jobs, not expensive houses that willlikely be holiday homes. And the river is and always has been at the centre of life in Totnes."
" I support the proposal of a Centre for Marine skills and excellence ,It is a far better option and sensitivity is needed rather tan more houses. Great care should be taken to retain our marine areas such as Baltic Wharf ,which is a very useful asset for a boat owner like myself. The river Dart is a wonderful river ,do not Spoil it ,tread very carefully in any future plans ,it is a very treasured area and this proposal would be a better option in my opinion. protect and enhance rather than just place housing on the wharf .The wharf has a long history and I believe a history that can be respectfully maintained for the people it serves."
"Best of luck. Greed for profit always seems to be the winner in these situations."
"As a boatyard owner I am well aware of the lack of ashore facilities on the river. Currently the river is beyond full capacity and with Baltic gone there is nowhere to absorb what business Baltic is providing and therefore nowhere for the boats currently there to go. Every yard is currently at full capacity with little room to expand."
"Baltic Wharf is the last industrial wharf/Quay on the river Dart. Once lost to housing there will be no possibility of going back and reestablished a maritime Quay. Totnes and the River Dart need to keep this option open for future generations to be in a position to take future opportunities, some of which have been mentioned but many of which have not been thought of yet.
Ports are facilitators of industry and commerce, it would be criminal to loose it in Totnes to housing."
"The retention of wharves, boatyards, boatbuilding, maintenance facilities on the Dart is essential to maintaining the thriving marine economy in South Devon for local leisure, holidaymakers and industry. I support the use of waterborne freight as well as leisure use."
"A centre of excellence will be beneficial to the community at large. A housing development here would benefit fewer people, and is motivated by profit for Acorn and TQ9LTD, at the cost of heritage, local business, and environment. "
"Totnes has a maritime history that deserves being protected. Baltic wharf must not become another residential area."
"Developing the site to provide jobs is a far better option than houses which could be built on other sites and will probably end up as second homes."
"Baltic Wharf boatyard is the only boatyard on the West of the river with an almost full range of onsite skilled, well paid and established premises. It serves not only River Dart boat owners but those from Torbay where virtually no similar facilities exist. eg Torquay MDL marina bertholders have no onshore facilities but are granted one month in the Galampton quarry, access limited to HW for annual antifoul and maintenance (for a normal sailing vessel drawing 1.5 metres+ this means arriving at HW springs which occurs between 0600 and 0700 twice monthly, thereby leaving Torbay 3 hours before. Brixham marina bertholders have similar reduced facilities. Blackrock is storage only and is actually about 800 metres from the river.
Baltic Wharf is unique and is essential to the marine activity on the River Dart and in Torbay; any reduction in its facilities will greatly reduce ALL marine activity in South Hams and beyond. The historic reduction of waterside sites for offices, housing and non-marine activities is obvious on both sides of the river from Steamer Quay to Long Marsh and from The Steampacket to Baltic Wharf, the very name St. Peter Quay is a pretty good clue to the traditional use of those that need access to the water and not just a nice view."
"Totnes and surrounding area already have a supply of expensive housing. It lacks diverse employment opportunities as are provided by the current and possibly future boat yard."
"There are enough new houses recently built in Totnes and surrounding areas. We don't need more.
Baltic Wharf should be kept and developed as a Centre of Marine Skills. Bring jobs to the area, and give people the chance to learn and use new skills. "
"An excellent proposal to enhance marine interests, education, skills and well being. However\u2026.. this is obviously an incredibly valuable development site. How can comparable funding be forthcoming on a scale big enough to be an incentive for housing not to be built?"
"It is essential that the boatyard and associated businesses are supported and allowed to flourish, and not reduced in size or capacity in the name of development of housing. The site represents a valuable resource for the local area in terms of river usage, skilled work, local interest and heritage. It must not be lost to short-term capitalism"
"I am previous user of the yard's facilities which are an important resource to the boating community."
"I think the site should be preserved for jobs and the future of Totnes "
"Please don't let the greed of man plaster yet more houses over this wonderful place."
"As a boat owner and currently considering investment in larger sailing vessel I would support development of a Marine skills centre."
"I support the proposal but recognise there must be associated interest/intent from potential businesses for it to succeed. In the absence of such support there is little point in resisting the inevitable..."
"I'm sorry not to be able to support the center financially, but am fully with the proposals to preserve and improve the boatyard. It is so valuable to the town. We absolutely don't need more houses in this prime riverside location.
Regards, Roberta Ayles"
"I think the proposal for a Centre of Marine Skills and Excellence would be a great asset to the town and surrounding areas. Having lived in the area all my life and worked in the watersports industry for the last decade I believe it would be of greater value to the community than developing Baltic Wharf for property."
"Facilities for the building, maintenance and storage of boats on the Dart estuary are already very limited (hence the high fees charged by the marinas in Dartmouth, Kingswear and Noss) and to remove or greatly reduce Baltic Wharf's marine facilities will make matters worse. It will reduce the town's employment alternatives and diminish the attractions. This is an ancient port with a long, maritime history. To replace it with housing is to ignore that heritage in the interests of making money from an asset that was created for quite a different purpose. "
"I would like to also read about a near accurate business case (ie detailing estimates on the financial numbers) (both for and against) the housing and the alternative proposals. At the moment, it is just words with no incomplete data, so it is difficult to support either way."
"I was a customer of Baltic Wharf for winter laying-up and refits for over 20 years until two years ago when I opted to move to another yard in Cornwall due the unacceptable restrictions on working hours and practices being imposed by Baltic Wharf (point 7 in your report refers) in recent years. Baltic Wharf is 4 miles from my home and the other year is 35 miles away, so not a decision I took lightly.
Baltic Wharf has the potential to be an outstanding yard and centre of excellence and I have long felt it would be tragedy for the town, the river and the sailing community if it ceased to exist in a vibrant form. I even looked at the possibility of getting the sheds listed some years ago when the housing proposal was first floated. It is unique in having both good river and road access for large yachts (all other yards on the Dart (except perhaps Darthaven?) have very restricted road access), extensive sheds, excellent concrete hardstanding throughout and excellent shelter for the prevailing westerly winds. There is no other boatyard with such a good site, infrastructure and under cover working space in South Devon or East Cornwall - you have to go to the Solent in the East or Falmouth to the west to find anything approaching being as good.
It has long been clear to me that the proposal to reduce the size of the yard would result in a rump of a facility that would almost certainly subsequently be shown to be non-viable and is put into the application as no more than a cynical sop to the planners.
Houses can be built on all sorts of sites, but I don't think there is anywhere in South Devon or beyond that one could build a new boatyard to replace Baltic Wharf. And as the Baltic Wharf site has so many negative issues as a site for housing, it seems a sad nonsense to demolish it for the sake of yet more housing beside the high density housing already built at the top of the site.
Finally, the prosperity of Totnes and very existence is due to the marine activity and trade on the river. Baltic Wharf boatyard is the last commercial connection with that history and heritage, and for that reason alone deserves to be protected.
I'm happy to help in any campaign to save the yard."
"The Baltic Wharf Yard is a valuable asset to Totnes and the South West and with its extensive covered storage has become the defacto centre for Classic Yachts in the South West. If it were to be demolished it would be a great economic loss to Totnes."
"The Baltic Wharf Yard is a valuable asset to Totnes and the South West and with its extensive covered storage has become the defacto centre for Classic Yachts in the South West. If it were to be demolished it would be a great economic loss to Totnes."
"Having recently visited the successful Lyme Regis boat building school I am convinced the Marine Skills centre could give a long term boost to Totnes employment and credibility.
More housing will just increase traffic and burden the stressed local services yet further. "
"It would be a huge mistake to destroy this valuable employment site. Once it has been developed for housing there will be no going back. It should be remembered that the quayside and adjoining land could also be of strategic importance."
"Let's keep the marine connection"
"Acorn are currently advertising this development as 'investment homes'. A housing emergency has been declared, so we need to keep looking at schemes which support housing for local people to keep this a thriving town. "
"Totnes really doesn't need any more cheaply built and poorly designed estates but it is important that the marine industry is encouraged. If more housing is needed it should not be at the expense of removing an important facility employing many skilled staff. As it is the site has personality and interest. It is representing an important history and offers a much needed service in a growing sector. Please, no more ticky tacky housing!"
"We trade as Network Yacht Brokers, operating out of Noss on Dart Marina where we have been established for over 20 years. In our opinion, it is critical that a proper, working yard facility is maintained - or, preferably, enhanced - at Totnes. This is all the more important in the light of the trend amongst the marinas downstream to focus on easy-access berthing afloat for leisure craft with short-term storage ashore, rather than looking to accommodate more radical shipwright activity which often demands longer-term space ashore. The likely demise of the facilities for serious boatbuilding at MDL's yard at Galmpton would only add to this shortage locally and increases the threat to related parts of the marine economy here.
We will be interested to monitor developments."
"A much better idea than flats. Build the flats a little inland and let them have a Marine Center as a facility that they and all other residents can use."
"We have been using Baltic Wharf yard and facilities for the purpose of yacht maintenance for the past 25 years, bringing several hundred yachts up River Dart for this purpose since 1989.
Also for display purposes for our Yacht Brokerage business for the purpose of display, up to 20 yachts in any one year.
It will be essential to maintain this facility in Totnes for the future of the marine businesses in Totnes and local area."
"We have enough expensive riverside housing and holiday homes. We stand to loose the charm and also the employment opportunities of a boat yard."
"Not sure what investing means. Would consider buying shares. Opportunity to create a river activity and boat trade skills centre would put Totnes on the map. Maybe the Princes Trust could advise and support the campaign. "
"I strongly support your Centre of Marine Skills & Excellence proposal as a means of retaining and investing in the capability and potential of Baltic Wharf boatyard. (A small request: please use the UK spelling of 'centre' and note that 'occasional' (referring to the newsletter offer) has only one 's'. Thanks). Good luck! "
"As a user of the boatyard and keen advocate of providing local jobs for local people I would certainly like to be informed of any way in which I could help to keep this valuable asset as a going concern for the marine industries of Devon."
"With the already substantial new housing in thr Totnes area, jobs for skilled hands are very important. Few places can offer such a diversity of work as a boat yard, both manual and technical....."
"I do not support this housing development and reduction of boatyard facilities because it would reduce career opportunities for young people from the town and area to train and work (and therefore stay) in many areas of the marine industry in this unique position, ideal for this purpose. Although there is a local need for housing, this development would not provide low cost or rentable. The position of site is perfect for boatyard use if managed proactively. There is recognised need for this boatyard space. The site is unsuitable for housing as the land is unstable, reclaimed land."
"A unique site in the South West for the Marine Industry. It does need investment to rejuvenate and replace ageing buildings, but with creative management can rebuild a facility that has been central to the Totnes waterfront for many years.
Totnes needs commercial investment to support a growing community not more expensive housing for second homes.
This site will be enormously expensive to redevelop for housing, being on a salt marsh, build something that the quay was always intended for, river trading and the marine industry. "
"The proposed housing development is not in keeping with the area and will not make a negliable impact on the housing needs of local people as the properties will be too expensive. There is already too much housing being built across South Devon, with little investment in local infrastructure (Health, roads, education) to support the potential increase in the population. This area has the potential to have a wider positive impact on the local community and South Devon which should be taken into consideration before it is lost to more unaffordable housing."
"To build a marine centre of excellence is a truly unique opportunity to create high skilled and paid jobs and long term value for the town, ensuring it's community survives and it's not just swamped with expensive houses.

I will fight to block any planning application on the site for new builds houses and actively support and investment or plan in the direction of a marine centre."
"I believe that having such a centre would enhance Totnes and South Hams and is in fact what was originally conceived for Baltic Wharf and the Steamer Quay development complex."
"Apart from the over-development of the town as a whole, any housing will push the temptation to extend development in the form of permanent pontoons into the river channel to the detriment of river traffic and the rowing club in particular."
"A marine centre would be of obvious benefit to the long-term interests of the town and very much in the traditions of this unique location in Totnes. Luxury riverside homes would only be of benefit to the owners and developers. "
"Baltic Wharf must be saved - it's one of the few boatyards left on the water. Many have been pushed out due to waterfront property value. Also the history attached - timber and Pete Goss to name a few. We use Baltic Wharf every year to have our boat hauled out - the new builds are already complaining about the noise which is ridiculous if you buy an overpriced property next to a boatyard!! Stop the greedy property developers and save the boatyard \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb"
"I totally agree with your proposals for a centre of Marine excellence... Good luck"
"The area needs on shore winter storage. I have just moved from blackness as the access is prolonged from here. To reduce the storage area to one third will mean many boats will have no where to go. We do not need more expensive 2nd homes when first homes are in such short supply"
"I support any marine related ideas for this site, which keeps this facility close to it's existing size, thus making it a viable to move forward as a Boatyard, and not backwards towards closure."
"Placemaking is vital and Baltic Wharf is a unique place both practically in its function as a boatyard and in the way it speaks to the spirit of this location that leads out to the sea. We don't any more destroy landscapes and history for housing. We use our enterprise and imagination to allow people t live peacefully, without threat to their livelihoods or ways of life."
"There are enough expensive properties in totnes and south hams, much more need for training and employment infrastructure for the young adults resident here."
"I am totally against this further development . I live on the pinch point of traffic to and from the development. The road St Peter's terrace is and cannot be widened too narrow . Already it is single lane and damage to our listed property by vehicles is ongoing .
With the earlier development at Baltic wharf TQ9 and Bloor blatantly broke promises lied and did a terrible job .
Whilst the developer maybe different the fact that TQ9 are involved bodes badly for the local residents, the marine economy and existence . The fact that the boatyard has been left with no investment lack of employment opportunities and negative growth is a moral disgrace to TQ9 . Hopefully the district council will put this proposed application in the bin . Along with the \u2018 program for profit Tq9 gentlemen. "
"With the reduction of hard space at Noss , Baltic offers a valuable space for mariners . "
"Fantastic idea to secure future skills, opportunities & jobs in the local area"
"The site at Baltic wharf is not only historical as a port to a market/merchant town since its first beginnings, but also is the sole remaining road access to the river of any size (nowhere else on the river can you gain access with large or long trailers/cranes required to service the existing infrastructure with regards to vessel size and pontoons and engineering services and losing the yard would mean everything needing to be floated road from Teignmouth or Plymouth."
"Investment only possible if long-term investments in Dart Renewables etc. finally pay off"
"TQ9 and Acorn are a disaster for Totnes. The directors are not local and have no thought for the cultural and historical importance of Baltic Wharf. It's been at the heart of the town for two thousand years.
The plans completely ignore the existing, highly skilled workforce most of whom will be out of a job. The boat yard will be reduced in size by two thirds and in that state is financially unsustainable. Maybe that is exactly what the developers want.
There is not a deep water working wharf this far inland between Plymouth and Exeter.
We do not need to cover it in houses.
It simply must be saved."
"Might be interested in investing if/when my investments in Dart Renewables et. al. eventually pay off."
"In the interest of the town's economy, I believe it is very important to safeguard the boatyard and to promote investment for its development as a centre of excellence. We already have Valeport near Baltic Wharf as a company recognised worldwide for its production of marine equipment."
"As a local Yacht owner Totnes is a fantastic sheltered yard offering a fab range of services and personally a safe haven Perfect location for - winter storage and maintenance for my vessel at a reasonable cost.
I am against turning this yard into housing for only the few to benefit.
This yard is historic and should be invested in to develop the maritime industry - investing in new skills for the young generating jobs and and income supporting the south wests maritime sector.
We all know the high street shops in our local towns are in decline so why not seize the opportunity to generate jobs and local skills.

Regards "
"Having owned a yacht for many years and used Baltic Wharf I really agree with alternative plans."
"The original plan promised to increase the size of the boatyard, improve its facilities and increase opportunities for developing marine skills. This promise has to be kept."
"This a massively more attractive proposal than a large number of expensive properties which will be bought as second homes or property rentals and will bring little to the town. A centre of excellence would bring well paid jobs and a strong future for the area."
"I fully support the development and expansion of the boatyard and other commercial opportunities at Baltic Wharf- we need a balanced economy provding work and opportunities rather than a blanketing of new houses many of which will go for second or retirement homes. "
"I fully endorse the vision of a marine centre of excellence at Baltic Wharf and the plain common sense of the criticisms of an unnecessary and inappropriate \u2018 up market \u2018 housing development . One area that needs recognition is the importance of Baltic Wharf in its use in supporting marine recreation. The majority of the boats that use Baltic Wharf are people's hobbies, sport, holidays and their wellbeing. This aspect of the Yards' usage must be considered within the context of any development of Baltic Wharf. The trend now for only short term layup facilities and the diminishing of general boat yard facilities is driving up the costs of recreational boating and ultimately forcing people out of boating altogether. The loss of the majority of Baltic Wharf to the 'everyday' boat owner as proposed by TQ9 with the reduction to only 80 boats, will only exacerbate and put pressure on the situation. The importance of this should not be underestimated. A further aspect of TQ9's proposed reduction in the size of the boatyard will be the obvious diminishing of customers and the inevitable impact on the viability of Yard businesses, coupled with its detrimental effect on other local ancillary businesses connected with the marine trades. The creation of a centre of marine excellence together with a thriving boatyard can only enhance and grow businesses and the social wellbeing of the town and its area.

"I heartily support the proposal for a centre of marine excellence together with a vibrant boatyard. The progressive opportunities expressed throughout the website are totally in tune with modern ideas around marine and environmental development. Such a centre would be an incredible asset to the town and surrounding area and a role model for future thinking.
This is a wake-up call as to what is going to be needed in the future.

"Hi feel its a shame to stamp out what was and still is the hart of what makes the area so great. I think building expensive housing is not any good for local Devon people and no good at all for the young. "
"I would like to show my support of this proposal. Totnes does not need more housing that most locals would be priced out of. "
"I am opposed to the downsizing of the marine industries on Baltic Wharf. This is a unique part of Totnes that would be of little value to employment in Totnes, and new housing is unlikely to benefit local people. "
"Please please not yet more smart but locally unaffordable housing along and above the river. Let it be for marine use."
"The alternative proposal for Baltic Wharf sounds an excellent idea and much better for Totnes than just more expensive housing. "
"As Totnes expands, so too will the demand for the boatyard which by its very nature, needs to be adjacent to the river. If this land is used for other purposes then future opportunities for such enterprises will be lost."
"A brilliant idea. Well thought through bringing energy and industry to the area. It makes total sense to invest in excellence."
"I believe the ATMOS Community Project would have delivered the local homes and employment opportunities that Totnes required in order to retain its position as both a thriving town and also a community worth investing in. I support the Baltic Wharf initiative to halt Fastglobe's/Acorn's proposal to build 170 dwellings on the site. We need proper consultation with local residents and community leaders to determine what this community actually wants and needs. "
"Housing on this site it totally inappropriate. We need to maintain work opportunities not destroy them."
"I would love to see some progress on this site and secure the site for the boatyard. The site has a long history of boat building which would be lost if housing is proposed for the site. The loss of boatbuilding on the river Dart and a valuable employment site based on the local connection with the river. Building more housing on this site would be the end of the boatyard and loose the skills built up over many years which have provided jobs for local people for many years."
"This is a turning point for Totnes. All the points are well made above. As a country and community we do need homes but NOT more second homes. However we also need SKILLS and low cost business-premises.We need a vision for a future which includes a Centre for Skills. "
"Keep up the good work! "
"Totnes Boatyard has been deliberately running down the boatyard side of things. It used to be a fantastic, thriving boatyard. The current owners have severely restricted letting boatowners go and fix/do up their boats, which makes it not a great place to put a boat over the winter. They seem primarily focused on selling it off to make way for houses. Having the boatyard in new hands with people who cared about it and about making all things marine an asset for the town would be a very good thing."
"This is site is for the people of Totnes. It is not for outside developers to make money and land us with second homes and holiday homes at prices locals cannot afford. We lost The Bacon factory, we lost Unigate. we lost the second supermarket in the town. It will be disastrous if this site is lost to local employment and lost to the many local boat owners and river users who use the yard. Keep the money and investment in Totnes, don't let it go to developers and support the wishes of home buyers from the South East who are taking over the south Hams already."
"I am appalled by the idea, where will the beautiful boats go? It's an asset to Totnes! Totnes is turning into a holiday camp for the rich, build homes for YOUNGER a families at the Dairy Crest site!!! and put up Council by X4 for so called \u201choliday homes\u201d, to deter them\u2026 can't these people stay in a hotel or B&B?
As you can see I am quite cross about housing altogether! It's enough to make one vote for the Communist Party!! Gggrrrrr
This development must be stopped!"
"No more expensive housing for holiday lets!
We need this site to bring more work for local people eg a marine centre"
"Please leave the boatyard intact!!!
There is no infrastructure in Totnes for any more development!!!
The schools are full
No parking available
3 weeks waiting for GP appointment
How can the population expand without services dramatically improving
June July and August the town is full of traffic with queues miles long!!
Madness prevails
The town has too many people living here Thanks to over development and greedy property developers
"The last thing we need is more unaffordable houses at the explore this very valuable resource. I have used the boatyard many times over the last 30 years and would not want to see it go or be diminished "
"It is essential that the historic fabric and tradition is preserved alongside economically viable plans. No more housing in areas of public beauty and benefit."
"have personally benefitted from the under cover facilities available at Baltic Wharf"
"I am a retired architect and can offer 3D drawing services if required "
"We don't want Totnes to become a dormitory town for rich people. All the other community activities such as boating must be maintained"
"I do not agree with Acorns plans to build houses on Baltic Wharf. The site needs to remain a place for the Totnes community providing jobs and the boatyard needs to remain. It is part of the river and part of Totnes "
"Last thing Totnes needs are more second homes! ,"
"Baltic wharf boat yard is important and supports more jobs than just those in the yard. It's a viable business on light industrial land and a part of the towns SW maritime identity. "
"Having the centre in Totnes would put the town on the map alongside Plymouth. It would attract an interesting demographic. Using the area for more housing where it cannot be supported by infrastructure is short sighted and outdated. "
"Totnes has a very valuable asset with its river and the estuary as Ray Humphries , the Dart Estuary Environment manager says and the Centre for Marine Skills would bring valuable jobs to this area. We certainly don't need more housing in this area."
"I think it's disgusting that planning authorities keep allowing more and more unaffordable homes to be built in already over populated areas and in place of centres for learning. It perpetuates the housing crisis, devalues our towns and undermines opportunities for local young people."
"Would Love to invest of my income improved"
"We really need to keep our large boat yard!!! Build houses elsewhere and preserve / improve this much needed facility Crazy to reduce it & possibly face loosing it altogether in the future "
"As a formally trained boat builder and sailor I strongly support the marine sector proposals for Baltic Wharf and oppose the loss of the boatyard to yet more housing. Boatyard space is diminishing across the entire country, and finding winter lay up and maintenance space is getting more and more difficult. Two years ago I wanted to bring my classic 38' wooden ketch to Baltic Wharf for restoration but declined as they would only give me a six month window because their plan was for housing (they were completely up front about it) and also you could not use the yard after 5pm. It appears that there is a plan of managed decline to engineer the yard's unviability, but then when you can make a fortune by selling the land, why would they bother with boats? Devon is crying out for skilled marine trades people and marine technical resources. Let's invest in local people's future not overpriced investment houses. Also I can speak as someone who can't find affordable property in Totnes anymore and have had to move to Buckfastleigh, what we need is affordable housing for local people, skilled well paying local jobs and people focused employers, not exclusive investment properties with pretty riverside views."
"I don't have money to invest but maybe time "
"I have always supported the investment in the Marine Skills and Excellence proposal and have worked with Ray Humphries in the past on the importance of retaining the boatyard the development of the estuary and the skills of the people who work on the Baltic Wharf site."
"I wholly endorse the proposal to use this unique site as a centre of marine excellence and skill. I am opposed to the proposed development of housing on this site. The clue is in the name \"
"Cllr McKays report contains many ideas about the possible future development of marine industries relating to major sea ports but there is no mention of Totnes or Baltic Wharf in any of the evidence cited. Furthermore there have been no approaches of this nature to Baltic Wharf during the last 16 years of current ownership.

The latest plans for the site include a modernised and viable boatyard with space for many more than the current 7 businesses and approx 20 staff currently working on the site.

Further details can be seen at"
"I can't afford to invest in the center but I would like to make my objections known at any future Planning Application from Acorn"
"The site at Baltic wharf offers a fantastic employment facility for the marine industry, combined with the new training facility at noss, it will provide employment for tge young students. Let's keep Totnes vibrant not a place to retire too!!"
"This proposal is just perfect for Totnes being on the river Dart and very much used by multiple and regular waterbourne pursuits and industries. It will carry the tradition. Totnes is becoming ever increasingly congested by traffic. So it makes sense to have more industry so more people who live in Totnes can walk to work. "
"I have no objection to there being a small number of residential units but I strongly believe Totnes would benefit from exploiting the excellent riverside and boatyard. Please do not reduce the boatyard to non viability. "
"Very supportive of this "
"The Baltic Wharf history and future potential to support innovative marine activity is clearly something we should embrace and not kill off. "
"The proposed centre is a great idea to bring high quality jobs and industry to Totnes. It will offer much greater benefits to the town and community than additional housing, which will benefit only the developers and very likely be used as second homes or holiday rentals."
"The cynical despoiling of the shores of our beautiful river to cram in ever more high-profit houses must be resisted and, if possible, halted. The eyesore of the shoddily-built houses undergoing remedial action since they were thrown up downstream of the Steam Packet is enough. Development of the site must respect its long-term employment role in the town."
"This has been an ongoing battle for. many years. Sadly we lost last time and Bloor homes arrived. This has already detracted from the approach to the town. We need boats and their facilities on the Dart. There are plenty of other places for houses to be built. Baltic Wharf development has already caused an enormous pressure on all the town's facilities as predicted without enhancing the town in any way."
"I fully support the alternative proposal for a centre of marine excellence. We don't need more housing for the well off, we need jobs and security for the future of the town. "
"No more expensive houses and care homes "
"This plan is a creative vision for the town that also honours

"Planning for more houses must be stopped. This is not the right location. Keeping the remaining part of Baltic Wharf is right for the town's history, employment & keeping the water side working & not an anonymous collection of houses that have no long term value to the working history of the area."
A concerted effort to market the site for marine related use is what Totnes deserves and needs.
The site has been run down, maybe deliberately,for years.
Try building marine related business units to anchor the town's future anywhere but on the rivetr with direct access to the river! Houses on the other hand........"
"I can see NO NEED for any open market housing - houses, absolutely YES, but in a COMMUNITY LAND TRUST."
"Thank you for bringing this campaign together."
"The Baltic Wharf development has already put tremendous pressure on the facilities in the town as was projected with regard to schools and Dr.s apart from traffic increase. The thought of another 175 properties along the attractive River Dart is unacceptable. These properties will not meet the needs of local or young people.
The boatyard could be developed to increase employment opportunities, instead of being reduced which is what this proposal will achieve."
"Seeing the drawing for the development and speaking with the architect at the Civic Hall, I cannot agree that the approach road is sufficient or satisfactory to take 175 extra cars if each property only has one vehicle. During the building of the site the lorries required will also be a nightmare.
Placing a retirement home at the end of the development is also poorly thought out unless residents are expected to be confined to their rooms and never allowed out. No way could they walk into Totnes.
The pleasing approach to the town up the river, seeing the castle and church will be ruined with high buildings on the river. Tides may be low at the moment due to a month with no rain, but how will flooding be controlled as we move into wetter winters?
None of the present proposals will really increase employment opportunities in the town except for a short time for the building, whereas if the focus was on the development of the boatyard and installation of off shore winds there would be jobs and Totnes could again be leading the way forward in thinking."
"Looks like what Totnes needs"
"There are so many good reasons to support this Marine Skills centre proposal. It is forward thinking, and upward thinking, showing the future benefits for the centre itself and for the community of Totnes. This is the way that developers should be thinking, not squeezing the boat yard out of existence to maximise housing developers' profits."
"I visited the Acorn event at the Civic Hall when I heard the architect speaking, which enforced my opinion that the Acorn proposal should be opposed. I objected to the present Baltic Wharf development knowing the 95 houses would increase traffic on inadequate roads, require school places which could not be provided and make it impossible to see a Dr. All of this has come true and now this proposed development is for more than double that number of houses. Totnes needs affordable houses not river side 2nd homes
This is a wonderful opportunity for Totnes to be a Centre of Marine Excellence, providing employment and career opportunities for young people. I am delighted to read that Totnes Town Council and SHDC will give their support.
There are too many proposals to change Totnes not for the better with plans for the Atmos site and building by Quayside from Money makers."
"To back up the contention that Baltic Wharf could be a Marine Centre of Excellence you have to just look at what the Wharf offers today and what the potential market size is moving forward. Both Totnes and Dittisham have a sizeable sailing/boating community sufficient to support an expanded offering at the Wharf. At the moment, the Wharf is able to provide a variety of marine services beyond just storage. The problem is that Dartmouth is often the first port of call especially for the Dittisham boaters and the Totnes boaters who would like to use the Wharf are often put off by the waiting times for such work to be done. If some energy and investment were put into the Wharf you could utilize the existing talent there, supplemented by apprenticeships, to make the facility even more attractive to both Totnes and Dittisham boaters. I will close by saying a Marine Centre of Excellence is already on its way there. The effort to build it all the way would not be great, but the payoff would be.
Thank you,

John Anderson "
"To back up the contention that Baltic Wharf could be a Marine Centre of Excellence you have to just look at what the Wharf offers today and what the potential market size is moving forward. Both Totnes and Dittisham have a sizeable sailing/boating community sufficient to support an expanded offering at the Wharf. At the moment, the Wharf is able to provide a variety of marine services beyond just storage. The problem is that Dartmouth is often the first port of call especially for the Dittisham boaters and the Totnes boaters who would like to use the Wharf are often put off by the waiting times for such work to be done. If some energy and investment were put into the Wharf you could utilize the existing talent there, supplemented by apprenticeships, to make the facility even more attractive to both Totnes and Dittisham boaters. I will close by saying a Marine Centre of Excellence is already on its way there. The effort to build it all the way would not be great, but the payoff would be.
Thank you,

John Anderson "
"The boatyard is a real asset and any proposal should incorporate that business in such a way that it can dry store the same number of vessels as it does currently.
Regeneration is required but the number of houses should be more proportionate and in keeping with the style of Totnes. Housing estates is not one of them.

Derek Beddows "
"As visiting yachtsman we have always loved the Dartmouth to Totnes river, both for the navigation and the views. Why would anyone wish to visit a housing estate? Please save the area.The heritage should not be lost to gread. Best wishes Colin Mortlock "
"As visiting yachtsman we have always loved the Dartmouth to Totnes river, both for the navigation and the views. Why would anyone wish to visit a housing estate? Please save the area.The heritage should not be lost to gread. Best wishes Colin Mortlock "
"Totnes does not need any more executive homes, which will blight the river frontage for both residents and tourists. It needs much needed local industry and jobs to support a more diverse community. The current proposal of a huge housing development with possible five storey apartment blocks will spoil and dominate the waterside for ever. It's what a developer and investors want to make the most money from the site.. it's not what the town needs. "
"The current proposal seems to blight the river frontage for both residents and tourists. Totnes requires much needed local industry and jobs to support a more diverse community and its heritage. It attracts residents and visitors alike because of its heritage, including the river. The current proposal of a huge housing development with possible five storey apartment blocks will spoil and adversely dominate the waterside and views for ever. The current 4 storey office blocks are amready too high. It seems the developer and investors are only interested in making he most money from the siterather than developing things as to what the town really needs. "
"I wish I could afford to invest. But I do hav 35 years of stakeholder and marketing comms experience and funding my role at University of Plymouth Marine Institute runs out in December. So would be interested in being involved. "
"We need to keep to keep the marine industry in Totnes and not build more houses in this area."
"I believe keeping the boatyard and all the current facilities is more important than more expensive (2nd ) homes,"
"We think this would be an excellent proposal and development for the future of Totnes."
"we need to keep the boatyard as once gone it's gone"
"Hi my core business is in the north but I live and represent it in totnes as we sell in to the South and work with local business. I support housing but certainly not on this site. Enough is enough. The town has a massive dairy crest site which could see mixed use. The wharf is of strategic importance. To me the clubs on the other side of the river should be more involved and if they could locate in some format surely that would help the fight. My previous background was as a commercial banker so well aware of developers approach and the underlying underhand pressures they put which eventually mean the planning they want will go through. Paul-07954579531"
"I live in Totnes. I am concerned about the lack of affordable housing for local people. I strongly oppose Acorn Properties application to build yet more high cost housing on the site. "
"I have read the proposal that Acorn are putting forward for over 100 Dwellings and other services at Baltic Wharf. We have more than enough new expensive flats and houses that do and will bring in more second homeowners for sure and with it many many more vehicles. I strongly oppose this and I think that we should pull together and support the vision for expanding Baltic Wharf for work and marine enterprises. If we get even more housing here the streets will be almost undrivable and the streets for pedestrians will become more and more congested. I cannot see any benefit whatsoever to the local people or the town. "
"Don't need more expensive houses could use some affordable housing."
"To build expensive houses on this site would not serve the community of Totnes, nor would it help young people to access housing. The boat yard's reduced size would undermine its viability. It would be wonderful to attract marine businesses to this area, thereby bringing skilled jobs for young people. "
"I would not want fat cats to make their fortune on this beautiful site. The proposal is too big for the site by the river and provides no affordable homes or social housing for our local people which are desperately needed. I regularly walk down the riverside and would like to see it continue to be used for marine activity and the centre of Marine skills and excellence proposal. "
"Maintaining marine and employment uses is fine, but you'd need to; 1) find companies wishing to invest significant sums to secure land, building, start or move businesses. 2) identify alternative sites for housing as this town desperately needs many more homes. "
"I think this is a wonderful idea for the area in question.
The last thing this town needs are more overpriced houses, which locals can't afford, so would probably be second homes, which doesn't help the local economy at all."
"Further housing is not what Totnes needs.
Sustainable economic development does not come from housing it comes from grass roots economic development and associated jobs. "
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